Voucher Distribution Tab

The Voucher Distribution tab of the Supporting Schedules section displays the general ledger details for the expenses on the expense report.

It displays the breakout of each expense (Under Ceiling, Over Ceiling, Unallowable, Tax 1, and Tax 2 amounts) and also shows the general ledger account information for those expenses charged with a payment method defined as "Company Paid."

Screen Fields

Field Description
Exp ID

The number hyperlinked in this field is the same number that was assigned when the employee added an expense to the report. Click the number to view the associated expense details.

Expense Description

This field displays the expense description.


This field displays the category and expense type of the expense.


The UDT 01 ID number that applies to this expense displays in this field.


This field displays the description that was entered for the expense.


The UDT 02 ID number that applies to this expense displays in this field.


The UDT 09 ID number that applies to this expense displays in this field.


This field displays the amount of the expense.